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Wither Hills Rosé 750ml

Established in 1994 and named after the landmark Wither Hills range that borders the vineyards, the Wither Hills expert team grow and craft expressive wines New Zealanders know and trust to represent quality. Wither Hills Rosé is summer in a glass, looking fresh watermelon pink and delivering a dry, refreshing style. The palate has great length like those hot summer days with enticing aromas of wild strawberries and cream, balanced against bright acidity.

Wooing Tree Rosé 750ml

This refreshing style Rose was made from 100% Pinot Noir grapes, grown on our family owned vineyard. The vibrant pink colour resulted from a gentle whole bunch press. The juice was fermented in stainless steel to retain the varietal and fruit characteristics. The wine shows delightful aromas of strawberry, peach and blossom with an abundance of cranberry, peach and citrus on the palate. A perfect summer aperitif and is best served chilled.
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